Back Treatments FAQ
How often should I get a back treatment done?
This depends on what you are trying to achieve. But once a month is what we usually recommend if you are trying to correct a specific issue. Some people, however, just like to get a back treatment at the start of summer or before a vacation to brighten and smooth the skin.
​Are there any post instructions that I need to follow?
Avoid sweating immediately after your facial, as it may irritate your skin. No saunas, hot tubs or steam rooms for 48 hours. Avoid direct sun exposure for 3-5 days. No retinol, Retin-A, tretinoin, acids or any other aggressive skin care products and exfoliation for 3-5 days before and after your treatment. And, as always, wear SPF and do not tan your skin.
Can I get a Back Treatment when I am pregnant?
Since we do not have pregnancy treatment tables that would allow you to lay comfortably on your stomach for this treatment, we do not recommend having a back treatment while pregnant.